Table of Contents


  1. Lieberman LJ, Cowart JF,, (1996). Games for People with Sensory Impairments: Strategies for Including Individuals of All Ages. Champaign, Illinois: Human Kinetics Publishers.

  2. Monica Lepore, George Gayle, Shawn Stevens, (1998). Adapted Aquatics Programming: A Professional Guide. Champaign, Illinois: Human Kinetics.

  3. Winnick, Joseph P., (2005). Adapted physical education and sport.. Champaign, Illinois: Human Kinetics.

  4. Lieberman, L.J and C. Houston-Wilson, (2002). Strategies for Inclusion: A Handbook for Educators. Champaign, Illinois: Human Kinetics.

  1. Courage Center St. Croix, (1996). Aquatics for Children with Disabilities.

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